- Description
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Also available as an Avenza Digital Map
Map Coverage covers all or part of 18 USGS 1:24,000 7.5-minute topographic maps- North - 12 miles north of Vail
- South - 2 miles north of Ruedi Reservoir
- East - 1 mile east of Frisco
- West - 1 mile west of Eagle
- 39"x 25" flat
- 8"x 4" folded
- very detailed trail descriptions for 14 mountain bike routes noting degree of difficulty and length in miles
- elevation/distance profiles showing loss and gain
- general information on weather, reading maps, getting lost and hypothermia
- six colors
- highlighted public access hiking, mtn. biking, OHV, equestrian trails and roads
- trails rated for difficulty
- computer generated relief images